International Holocaust Memorial Day 2014

International Holocaust Memorial Day 2014

    ​On January 27 every year, the United Nations and its member states observe the International Holocaust Memorial Day to commemorate the innocent victims of the Holocaust, 6 million Jews and other victims who perished in the Nazi camps during World War II.

    "Keeping the Memory Alive - Journeys through the Holocaust" is the theme of this year’s   memorial.  With the purpose that the lessons of the Holocaust will serve as a universal message to prevent the repetition of such horrors and to re-commit to combat all forms of racism and prejudice!

    President Shimon Peres, today (Monday 27, January), released the following special statement to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day: 

    "The Holocaust is a great warning to us all. We shall never forget our sisters and brothers. We have to ensure that it is not repeated and to ensure that we never go back to the days when humans behaved as beasts. Forgetfulness is a menace, we must remember and remember to love and respect everyone no matter the color of their skin or the origin of their birth. Moses taught us that every human being was made in the image of the Lord, no-one has the right to take that away. We have a duty to remember the past but also to improve the future, this is not just a memorial day but a call to us all to move ahead, never forgetting the past but never losing hope in the future. Let us not be satisfied by condemning the Holocaust but rather join our hearts and hands to ensure that we live in a world where another Holocaust is impossible. Let God remind us of this duty, this call to remember and to hope."

    Memorial events in Bangkok had to be rescheduled due to the political situation, please follow us here and on Facebook for updates​​