Homeland and Cyber Security 2014

Homeland and Cyber Security 2014

    ISRAEL HLS 2014: Israeli Homeland and Cyber Security” seminar, introducing innovative concepts, products and services from Israel, brought approximately 170 homeland and cyber security industry leaders from both Israel and Thailand at the Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel on September 16, 2014.
    The accelerating cyber revolution in recent years altered the world we live in, with changing threats and opportunities, especially in social media dataflow. Cyber security is increasingly affecting all levels of society, whether it is national, local, or personal. 
    “Israel is one of the top five world’s leaders in cyber security. We aim to learn, and therefore, gain knowledge and expertise from Israel as well as other leading players.” said Lt. Gen. Bunjerd Tientongdee, Director General, Defence Information and Space Technology Department, Ministry of Defence. In addition to cyber security, the seminar covered 3 other major homeland security areas, critical infrastructure protection, intelligence and counter terrorism, and emergency/crisis management.
    “Today’s seminar has served as a platform for innovative homeland security technologies and practical strategies shared between Israel and Thailand.” added H.E. Mr. Simon Roded, the Ambassador of Israel to Thailand.
    “Israel has accumulated vast experience and knowledge in protecting its interests in critical infrastructure, civilian safety and homeland security from its daily challenges, and we are pleased to invite our Thai partners to visit ISRAEL HLS 2014, during November 9-12, 2014.” said Mr. Barak Sharabi, Commercial Attaché at the Embassy of Israel.
    The conference will showcase Israel’s cutting-edge homeland security technologies that are operationally proven and bring together over 3,000 industry leaders and professionals, governmental officials, start-ups, experts and many more, creating ample of opportunities for participants to establish and strengthen business relationships.

    Today’s seminar was co-hosted by the Embassy of Israel in Thailand, Israel Police, the International Defense Cooperation Agency of the Israel Ministry of Defense (SIBAT) and the Israel Export & International Cooperation Institute.