Homeland Securities and Technologies @ Israel HLS 2014

Homeland Securities Conference in Israel

    Nowadays, powerful events shown on the TV screens are, sometime, right close to home. Advanced technologies and better trained human resources are required to fight terror and safeguard critical infrastructure, to prevent cyber-attack and to maintain public order in time of emergency.
    The 3rd International Conference on Homeland Security (Israel HLS 2014), 9-12 November, 2014, The Israel Trade Fairs, Tel Aviv, will showcase some of the finest field-proven and next-generation technologies and systems in the homeland security industry, including a start-up area and an innovation award.
    The conference will include lectures, seminars and panel discussions and will gather over 2,000 public security ministers, senior government and municipal officials, emergency response and port authorities, police commanders and HLS industry managers, from around the world, with specialization in:
    - Cyber Security

    - Critical Infrastructure Protection, including Oil & Gas

    - Emergency Preparedness & Management – Functional Continuity & Urban Resilience

    - Intelligence, Counter Terror and Law Enforcement

    The conference will serve an ample platform to network and share ideas with HLS professionals as well as to experience Israel’s advanced Homeland Securities and Technologies. For registration, please sign up here.