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Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony 2020

    ​Today (Jan 28), the Embassy of Israel and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) held the Holocaust Remembrance ceremony and commemorated the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and the demise of Anne Frank at the UNCC. Over 300 people attended the ceremony including foreign diplomats, Thai dignitaries, and students.

    The ceremony started with candle lighting by six descendants of Holocaust survivors in memory of six million Jewish victims. It was followed by an opening speech by H.E. Dr. Meir Shlomo, the Ambassador of Israel.  Other dignitaries who delivered speeches were H.E. Mrs. Pornpimol Kachanalak, the Advisor of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, H.E. Mr. Georg Schmidt-the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Chihiro Sugihara-grandson of Mr. Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat who saved thousands of Jews in Lithuania during WWII. The closing speech was delivered by Mr. Thomas van Leeuwen-Chargé d’Affaires a.i., Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.  
    The ceremony also included a video message from the United Nations Secretary-General Mr. António Guterres.  During the ceremony, there were music interlude, “A Walk to Caesarea” and “Avinu Malkenu” performed by well-known opera singer Miss Monique Klongtruadloke.  

    Holocaust happened over 70 years ago and is commemorated annually in ceremonies around the globe.  However, hatred, massacre and horrific incidents are still taking place.  The Remembrance ceremony serves as a commitment to do everything to prevent the repetition of such horrific incident in the future.

    Read Ambassador Shlomo's Op-Ed and interview for Bangkok Post: