Grand Opening at “The Queen's Art Gallery"
International Grand opening at “The Queen's Art Gallery" exhibiting International art from different countries and cultures
261018 International
Grand opening at
Queen's Art Gallery"
exhibiting International art from different countries and
cultures; 17 artists from 10 countries, 3 continents including the Israeli
highly appreciated artist Yoav Brener.
Event Background :
Mme. Astrid Amaya-Garcia is the wife of the Ambassador for
Colombia in Thailand and also the Founder of AOTAart (Creating Empowering
Experiences through Art). Mme. is a passionate proponent of arts and culture
for over 35 years. Her aims for the event are to offer an International Art
Exhibition to encourage people to visit The Queen’s Gallery, to further
personal development and create dialogues within Thailand and the International
and diplomatic communities.