Ambassador's visit

Ambassador’s Visit

    During his visit in Bengaluru the Ambassador and The Consul General met with journalists in the city. Yesterday, the Ambassador met with chairpersons of Indian Institute of Science to discuss academic collaborations between the two countries. A meeting was hosted by Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI) between the Ambassador, Consul General and the members of FKCCI. The Ambassador also visited Infosys headquarters, who earlier this year bought an Israeli cloud tech firm Panaya.
    The minister is scheduled to meet various government officials in Bengaluru and is meeting Agriculture Minister Mr. Krishna Byre Gowda to discuss bilateral relations in agriculture. India and Israel already have cooperation in agriculture and there are 30 Centres of Excellence for floriculture, fruits and vegetables all over India.
    The 19th International Agricultural Technology Exhibition (Agritech) is from April 28 – 30, 2015 in Tel Aviv, Israel. More than hundreds of participants from India including government officials and business delegation have already registered to attend the conference later this month.
    Quote from Ambassador, Daniel Carmon
    “I’m excited to visit Karnataka and Tamil Nadu this week to further expand the relations of Israel with these two great states. The Consulate we have opened here only a few years ago proves how important South India is for Israel.
    The bilateral relations between Israel and India are moving forward in every field. This was made possible due to strong foundations –the friendship and partnership we share with India. We see great progress being done not only with the Central Government in Delhi but also in various states including Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
    The bilateral trade today includes many different indispensable fields such as agriculture, dairy, water technologies, IT and many more. There is no doubt that the potential for cooperation is great and we need to work more to fulfill it. Not just with the government but also - and maybe especially - with the private sector.
    We are hosting in Israel later this month Agritech – one of the biggest agriculture exhibitions in the world, and expecting to see high Indian turnout – as we have seen in past events.
    The cooperation between our academic institutions is growing at a rapid pace and the interest I have seen here is the proof we are on the right track to turn it into one of the key fields of cooperation in the coming years.”
    Quote from Consul General, Menahem Kanafi
    “We appreciate that the Silicon Valley in India is in Bengaluru and we will put more efforts to bring Israeli companies to India. Cooperation is necessary across the board – pooling of resources including manpower and markets, conducting joint R&D and exploring new markets together – these all require new and strong alliances based on mutual trust and mutual benefit. We will do our best to get Indian companies from Bangalore to go to Israel, so that we can share healthy relationships.”