PM Netanyahu meets with US Congressmen 1 September 2014

PM Netanyahu meets with US Congressmen Rohrabacher and Meeks

    The UN would do itself a great favor if instead of the automatic Israel bashing, they actually turn their attention and their investigative committees against these terrorists who trample every norm on which the UN was founded.
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    PM Nertanyahu with US Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) (right) and US Rep. Gregory W. Meeks (D-NY) in Jerusalem PM Nertanyahu with US Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) (right) and US Rep. Gregory W. Meeks (D-NY) in Jerusalem Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Monday, 1 September 2014), met with US Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and US Rep. Gregory W. Meeks (D-NY) and told them:
    "We’re closely following the events on the Golan Heights where al-Nusra terrorists have kidnapped UN peacekeepers. What we see is that al-Nusra, Hamas, Hezbollah – backed by Iran, al-Qaeda and these other terrorists groups are basically defying all international norms, breaking them whether in Lebanon, in Syria or in Gaza.
    And I think the UN would do itself a great favor if instead of the automatic Israel bashing, they actually turn their attention and their investigative committees against these terrorists who trample every norm on which the UN was founded.
    I think this is a common effort that all of us have to make against these Islamist terrorist groups that threaten our societies and our civilization.
    I know that this is part of your common position and I welcome it. It helps that Israel, the United States and the other civilized countries stand together against this grave threat to our future.
    And in that spirit, I welcome you here, as friends and as allies in a common battle."
    US Rep. Rohrabacher replied
    "Mr. Prime Minister, we recognize that Israel is the one force for stability and one force for a long term peace for this region. The rest of the region is awash in tyranny and injustice and gangsterism and terrorism that’s coming from the top, from these people that are running the various organizations, radical Islamic organizations. They are not just a threat to you, they are a threat to the peace of the world and the security of the United States.
    So we are very, very proud of this tough stand that you have taken and you can count on us."
    US Rep. Meeks added:
    "Let me just add that you are our friend as we are your friend, and we will stand together.
    And I will tell you, though sometimes in Congress we have our differences, but if there’s one thing that we concur on, whether we be Democrats or Republicans – and we are a bi-partisan delegation – we come together in support with our friends, our only true friend in the Middle East, and that’s Israel. And we want to make sure that you know we will always stand side by side, because we understand that what affects you affects us.
    And in that spirit, we come in cooperation to say we’re looking to continue with that great relationship moving forward and working together as friends and as brothers, and sisters, actually."