PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon hold security meeting 18 Aug 2014

PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon hold security meeting

    PM Netanyahu: "The Israeli team in Cairo has been instructed to insist on Israel's security needs and the IDF is prepared for very strong action if fire is resumed."
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    PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon at Ashdod Port PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon at Ashdod Port Copyright: Ministry of Defense/Ariel Hermoni
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon, this evening (Monday, 18 August 2014), at Ashdod Navy Base, held a security meeting at the conclusion of which the Prime Minister said:

    "Together we are conducting this complicated campaign with determination and responsibility. We are ready for any scenario - the Israeli team in Cairo has been instructed to insist on Israel's security needs and the IDF is prepared for very strong action if fire is resumed. In the stormy Middle East one needs a combination of strength and patience. The IDF has considerable strength and the eternal people has proven that it does not fear a long road. It could yet take time and one must be patient and determined. The combination of persistence and strength will assist us in achieving the goal of this operation - quiet and security for all Israelis."

    Defense Minister Yaalon said: "Operation Protective Edge is not over. As we promised, we will not stop until we bring quiet and security. We are prepared for the results of the discussions in Cairo whether it brings quiet or if someone tries to challenge us with escalation. The IDF is prepared and ready to respond strongly to any development. Hamas will not drag us into a war of attrition and if it tries it will be struck very hard."