AICCSE Professional Seminar

The Israel Innovation Effect

    The American Israel Chamber of Commerce to the Southeast (AICCSE) held a timely half-day seminar Thursday on how to get the most benefit from doing business with Israel. 

    As part of the seminar, participants learned about current Israeli technology companies headquartered in the Southeast as well as examples of successful Southeast/Israel acquisitions.  

    The main Israeli company to present at the seminar was Neurotech Solutions.  Neurotech Solutions CEO Tamir Sagie introduced his company's revolutionary ADHD diagnostic technology.  Neurotech's new technology allows children to be tested accurately for ADHD at a fraction of the cost of current tests. 
  • icon_zoom.png
    Neurotech Solutions CEO Tamir Sagie Neurotech Solutions CEO Tamir Sagie Copyright: American Israel Chamber of Commerce Southeast
    ​Pho​to: Neurotech Solutions CEO Tamir Sagie