UNESCO is expected to vote on another anti-Israel resolution
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UNESCO is expected to vote on another anti-Israel resolution

    The Executive Board of UNESCO refuses to put a stop to the politicization that is impairing the organization's standing. Israel expects all UNESCO member countries to vote against this absurd resolution.
    UNESCO's executive committee is expected to vote on another political decision regarding Jerusalem - a decision stating everything Israel does in Jerusalem as illegal, relating to all past decisions such as those that denied the connection between the Jewish people and Jerusalem. Voting on the decision will take place on May 2nd.

    The Executive Board of UNESCO refuses to put a stop to the politicization that is impairing the organization's standing. Contrary to the recommendation of UNESCO's director-general and despite the promises and statements made in the past year by various leaders, UNESCO continues the ritual of proposing an anti-Israel resolution that criticizes every action Israel takes in Jerusalem, adopts past resolutions denying the connection of the Jewish people to Jerusalem, and recycles political condemnations against Israel concerning the Gaza Strip.

    Instead of stopping the politicization as they have promised Israel, European Union delegates actually support it by proposing their own drafts on the subject of Jerusalem and other issues which are totally outside of UNESCO's mandate.
    Israel expects all UNESCO member countries to vote against this absurd resolution.

    The proposed resolution will not affect our determination to operate in Jerusalem for the benefit of all the city's residents. It will, however, impair UNESCO's deteriorating status and relevance.