PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting 25 June 2017
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PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

    We will not tolerate any spillover or trickle whatsoever – neither mortars nor rockets, from any front. We will respond strongly to any attack on our territory or our citizens.
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    Prime Minister Netanyahu at the weekly Cabinet meeting (archive) Prime Minister Netanyahu at the weekly Cabinet meeting (archive) Copyright: Reuters/Amir Cohen
    ​ (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this morning (Sunday, 25 June 2017), at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting, made the following remarks:
    "Last night the IDF attacked Syrian military targets. This was a vigorous response to mortar fire at our territory. Our policy is clear: We will not tolerate any spillover or trickle whatsoever – neither mortars nor rockets, from any front. We will respond strongly to any attack on our territory or our citizens.
    We also view with utmost gravity Iran's attempts to establish itself militarily in Syria as well as its attempts to arm Hezbollah – via Syria and Lebanon – with advanced weaponry.
    Next week, the Indian Prime Minister, my friend, Narendra Modi will arrive in Israel, This is an historic visit to Israel. In the 70 years of the country's existence no Indian Prime Minister has ever visited and this is further expression of the State of Israel's military, economic and diplomatic strength. This is a very significant step in strengthening relations between the two countries. India is a huge country with over 1.25 billion people and is one of the world's largest, growing economies. Ties between Israel and India are on a constant upswing.
    Today, the Cabinet will approve decisions that will deepen these ties, beginning with expanding exports and deepening cooperation in agriculture and water. We will establish a joint innovation, and research and development, fund. We will also increase tourism from India to Israel; this has very great potential. All of this is an additional expression of Israel's enhanced international position in recent years as we strengthen the State of Israel.
    I would like to refer to the crisis at Hadassah. It has gone on far too long. Attempts have been made, also by me, via the Health Minister who has worked tirelessly on the matter, and by others, including the President, to resolve the crisis. These attempts have not succeeded. A motion has been filed with the High Court of Justice, which will convene on Wednesday and we are all awaiting the discussion.
    I request that the sides make a final effort, which will not be simple, to restore the status quo ante – so that these tired and sick children will not continue to suffer – and then allow six months or a year to consider matters. If the issue is not resolved with this simple proposal and since the sick children are in a tent in Sachar Park, I have appealed to the court to advance its discussion to tomorrow. There is no reason to wait another two days and cause the children unnecessary suffering.
    I would like to take this opportunity to wish our Muslim citizens and Muslims wherever they are a happy Eid al-Fitr. Kol a'am wa antom bekhair. Happy holiday."