Israel welcomes the renewal of the UNIFIL mandate
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Israel welcomes the renewal of the UNIFIL mandate

    Israel welcomes this week’s UN Security Council resolution renewing the UNIFIL mandate. The importance of the resolution lies in its call for UNIFIL to act in a purposeful and meaningful manner in order to prevent Hezbollah's military build-up in southern Lebanon.
    The resolution reflects the Security Council's recognition that change is necessary and that UNIFIL must be given the tools and backing needed to fully implement its mandate.
    The decision brings to a successful conclusion a months-long inter-agency effort led by the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to raise awareness and bring about more vigorous action by the UN Security Council and UNIFIL.
    Israel thanks the United States and the Trump Administration for their leadership on this issue. We would further like to express our special thanks to US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Hailey, for her determination and her commitment to fighting terror and to improving the situation in southern Lebanon and for her friendship to Israel.
    Following the important visit of UN Secretary-General Guterres to Israel this week, we would like to express our expectation that further to the letter sent by the Secretary-General to the Security Council regarding UNIFIL, the Secretary-General will now use the tools that this week’s resolution provides him in order to continue to instill the spirit of determined action in the UNIFIL force.
    Israel believes that only determined action by UNIFIL, in accordance with the resolution adopted this week, will contribute to maintaining stability, peace and security along the Israeli-Lebanese border.
    Israel wishes to thank the countries who contribute troops to UNIFIL.