Invitation to propose candidates for the Protector of Jerusalem Award
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Invitation to propose candidates

  •   Invitation to propose candidates for the Protector of Jerusalem Award
    Invitation to propose candidates for the Protector of Jerusalem Award
    In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Reunification of Jerusalem, the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage will present the Protector of Jerusalem Award to people or organizations whose unique activities have promoted United Jerusalem throughout the world.
    The public committee for choosing the winners of the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage’s Worldwide Protector of Jerusalem Award invites you to propose candidates worthy of receiving the award which will be presented at a ceremony in Jerusalem to mark the 50th anniversary of the liberation and unification of Israel’s capital city. The award will be presented to people or organizations whose ongoing activity directly relates to a United Jerusalem, or does not directly relate to Jerusalem but takes place in the city and promotes Jerusalem’s good name worldwide. In order to propose candidates who are active in one or more of the following fields: education, science, communications, economics, archeology, music / literature, Talmud /Judaism, sport, politics / defense, architecture and design, law, innovation,  lifetime's work enter the website of the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage. 
    For additional details and to propose candidates scan the code form here or enter the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage website.
    People who are not Israeli citizens, or organizations which are not Israeli organizations. Holders of dual nationality (Israeli citizenship + foreign citizenship) are eligible to apply for the prize.
    The invitation applies to both women and men.