Implementation of Advanced Israeli Technologies to Cope With the Natural Water Resources Scarcity
  • News & Events

WATEC Israel 2017

  •   "Implementation of Advanced Israeli Technologies to Cope With the Natural Water Resources Scarcity"
    WATEC Israel is a biennial exhibition and conference taking place over three days at The Israel Tel Aviv Convention Center on issues of water treatment in the various industries from September 12-14.
    The Embassy of the State of Israel in Ethiopia had convened a two session workshop on Israeli Water Technology on the 15th of June, 2017 in Addis Ababa at the Capital Hotel and on the June 16th, 2017 in Adama at the Adama Science and Technology University.
    The Addis Ababa event was opened with remarks by H.E. Mrs. Belaynesh Zevadia, the ambassador of the State of Israel, H.E. Mr. Tesfaye Fichale Special Assistance to the Minister at Ministry of FDRE Ministry of Water, Energy and Irrigation, and Mr. Aweke H/Mariam, General Director of Addis Ababa Water Supply & Sewerage Authority.
    Representing the private sector Mr. Elias Geneti, President of the Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Getahun Tagese President of Ethiopia Water Related Works Construction Contractors Association made opening remarks.
    Mr. Guy Reshef, the Manager of Water quality, in the department of Israel Water Authority presented a workshop on “Implementation of Advanced Israeli Technologies to cope with the natural water resources scarcity". Following the workshop a video clip was shown about the 2015 WATEC Israel conference and invitation to attend WATEC Israel 2017 was announced.
    WATEC Israel is a biennial exhibition and conference taking place over three days at The Israel Tel Aviv Convention Center on issues of water treatment in the various industries from September 12-14.
    WATEC is well recognized as one of the premier technological water events. This year, WATEC event intends to present a fresh concept of the conference: WATEC V.I.P: Vision, innovation and practice.
    The event will have a different look and feel. It will follow the global vectors of change, and explore the ways they are reflected in the water sectors: speed, transparency, personalization, Multi-disciplinary and Optimization. It is important to emphasize that long—standing issues like "Water Quality ", "Industrial Water Waste Treatment", "Climate Change Economy", etc. will not be neglected, but rather discussed with fresh and energetic approach. Moreover, it has  a side event for water technologies for Africa.
    For more information about WATEC 2017 please visit the Website: