A delegation of four Israeli surgeons
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A Delegation of Four Israeli Surgeons

  •   A delegation of four Israeli surgeons arrived in Ethiopia last week
    A delegation of four Israeli surgeons headed by Prof. Hanch Kashtan, Head of Division of Surgery at the Rabin Medical Center Beilinson Hospital arrived in Ethiopia last week.
    Their mission was to install sophisticated medical equipment for laparoscopic surgery and train medical professionals at the Bahir Dar University Hospital. The medical equipment was sent form Israel. However, there mission did not end there they conducted six successful lifesaving surgeries.
    During their stay, they met with the president of the Bahir Dar University Dr. Baylie Damtie. Dr. Baylie said he hopes that such supports and cooperation will continue in the future. The team on the other hand, admired the warm and Enthusiastic welcome they have received.
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