Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    Pres. Peres Yom Hashoa Address

    President Shimon Peres' address at Har Herzl on the occasion of Yom Hashoah.
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    Yom Hashoah - President Peres

    Holocaust deniers negate the deeds of their predecessors so as to cover their own crimes. The falsehood of negation will not extinguish the fire of the inferno.
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    Yom Hashoah - PM Netanyahu

    Those who dismiss Iran's threats as exaggerated or as mere idle posturing have learned nothing from the Holocaust.
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    Netanyahu meets Palestinians

    Israeli PM Netanyahu met with representatives from the Palestinian side who gave him a letter from President Abbas.
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    Netanyahu on the Iranian issue

    PM Netanyahu's remarks about the talks on the Iranian nuclear issue, at the start of his meeting with US Sen. Joe Lieberman
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    Foreign Policy: April 5, 2012

    Founded by individuals from dissimilar, often illiberal cultures, democracy in Israel is today more robust than ever. Against incalculable odds, Israel remains unflaggingly -- even flagrantly -- democratic.
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    Israel's Resilient Democracy

    At 64, Israel is older than more than half of the democracies in the world. The Jewish state, moreover, belongs to a tiny group of countries never to have suffered intervals of non-democratic governance.
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    Pres. Peres' Passover Greeting

    Happy Holidays everyone! I truly enjoy Passover, not only because it symbolizes the exodus from Egypt and the coming of spring, but it reminds us of the fundamental values in each of our lives.
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    Response to UNHRC decision

    While all over the Middle East human rights are violated in an unprecedented scale, the HRC ridicules itself by dedicating its time and resources to establish a superfluous and extravagant body.
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    Peres, Juppe Denounce Terror

    President Shimon Peres and French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe met in Jerusalem, denounced the horrific terrorist attack in Toulouse and honored the victims
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    Politico: March 18, 2012

    For America, as well as for Israel, an investment in the Iron Dome system is an investment in diplomacy — helping to create the conditions conducive to peace.
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    Israel under fire March 2012

    Since Friday, March 9, 2012, more than 200 rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip, striking major population centers in southern Israel.
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    Cabinet marks Intl Women's Day

    The Cabinet discussed the recommendations of the committee appointed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on preventing the exclusion of women.
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    WSJ: March 9, 2012

    Just as Jews were once expelled from Arab lands, Christians are now being forced from countries they have long inhabited.
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    PM Netanyahu meets Pres Obama

    Netanyahu: When it comes to security, Israel has the sovereign right to make its own decisions.
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