Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    Time Is Short For Diplomacy

    Iran is the world's leading terror sponsor without nuclear weapons. With them, it can commit incalculable atrocities.
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    Lollapalooza Coming to Israel!

    While it’s been held in Chicago since 2005, Lollapalooza is going global. In addition to previously announced expansions to Brazil and Chile, Lollapalooza’s founder announced he will be bringing the festival to Tel Aviv in 2013!
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    Sharing Israel's Knowledge

    ​Learning from Israel's experience: Last week 26 doctors, nurses and hospital administrators from 20 countries arrived at Rambam Health Care Campus to share Rambam's rich experience and knowhow in treating trauma victims
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    Time Is Short For Iran Diplomacy

    A combination of truly crippling sanctions and a credible military threat—a threat that the ayatollahs still do not believe today—may yet convince Iran to relinquish its nuclear dreams.
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    Israel's condolences to Egypt

    Israel conveys its condolences to Egypt and to the Egyptian people on the killing of Egyptian security forces personnel in the barbaric terrorist attack last night
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    Israel and sustainability

    Last month, in Brazil, the Rio+20 Conference met to discuss sustainable development, attracting over 100 heads of state and 50,000 participants. For Israel the conference was a considerable success.
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    IDF thwarts infiltration

    Terrorists in armored vehicles hijacked by a terrorist cell in an Egyptian base in north Sinai tried to infiltrate into Israel near the Kerem Shalom crossing.
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    Netanyahu meets US Sec Panetta

    Neither sanctions nor diplomacy have yet had any impact on Iran's nuclear weapons program. America and Israel have also made clear that all options are on the table.
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    PM Netanyahu meets Romney

    Netanyahu: Strengthening the relationship between America and Israel is in the interest of peace, in the interest of both our countries, and I believe that your visit is an expression of that desire on both of our peoples.
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    Amb Waxman statement to UNSC

    A clear line of terror runs from the bombing in Argentina to the attack in Bulgaria. It begins and ends in Iran. The Iranian campaign of terrorism is a plague that threatens not only Israelis and Jews, but innocent people all over the globe.
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    Attack on Israelis in Burgas

    Six people, five Israelis and the Bulgarian bus driver, were killed and over 30 wounded on Wednesday (July 18) in a suicide bombing attack on a bus carrying Israelis in Burgas.
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    Clinton visits Israel

    At their meeting, the two discussed the strengthening of cooperation between Israel and the United States, and held an in-depth discussion concerning Middle Eastern events
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    Israel shocked at UNESCO Chair

    University tied to Hamas, has called for Islamic conquest of Vatican and Spain
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    U.S.-Israel Strategic Dialogue

    The Strategic Dialogue, the highest level regularly scheduled diplomatic meetings between the two countries, highlights the strong alliance and deep ties that bind Israel and the United States.
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    Crusader gold cache found

    More than 100 gold coins were found hidden in a partly broken pottery vessel at the Apollonia National Park, where archaeologists say the former Crusader town of Apollonia-Arsuf once thrived.
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