Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu's Speech to the 67th UNGA

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the United Nations General Assembly: "At this late hour, there is only one way to peacefully prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons - by placing a clear red line."
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    PM Netanyahu departs to address UNGA

    On the eve of Yom Kippur, which is sacred to the Jewish people, the Iranian tyrant chose to publicly call for our disappearance. In my remarks to the UN General Assembly, they will hear my response.
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    New Stone Age finds at Ein Zippori

    Extensive archaeological excavations carried out by the Israel Antiquities Authority prior to the widening of Highway 79 in northern Israel led to the uncovering of a treasure of impressive prehistoric finds.
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    Israeli economic steps in West Bank and Gaza Strip

    Israel has recently approved additional permits for workers and merchants to enter Israeli territory from the West Bank. 16 projects in the Gaza Strip funded by the international community have been approved.
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    DepFM Ayalon addresses Ad Hoc Liaison Committee

    Israel submitted to the committee an updated report on measures taken by Israel in support of developing the Palestinian economy and socio-economic structure.
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    The untold story of the Middle East

    Ambassador Prosor: "Our purpose is clear: plain and simple justice for nearly one million Jewish refugees, whose stories have been hidden - whose history has been left untold."
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    Coaxing crops from the sand

    Israel’s most productive vegetable farms are located in the Arava desert. How did this inhospitable environment become so fertile?
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    Ethiopian Jew Triumphs in Israel

    Deputy Speaker of the Knesset Shlomo Molla shared his triumphant tale of leaving his small village in Ethiopia for Israel with nothing but his faith to become Israel's first Deputy Speaker of the Knesset.
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    Israel condemns attacks on US diplomatic missions

    The US, which is the leader of the free world, has long stood in the firing line of radical Islamist terrorism.
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    PM Netanyahu Orders Transfer of $63M to PA

    Prime Minister Netanyahu prders the transfer of NIS 250 Million, about $63 million U.S. dollars, to the Palestinian Authority due to its financial crisis.
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    "Innovate. Invest. Israel."

    A one-day conference in New York City discussed Israel's global impact as a leading exporter of technologies, ideas, innovations, and entrepreneurial spirit.
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    Israeli Veterans Help US Veterans Heal

    Heroes to Heroes takes combat veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress to find concrete solutions in Israel.
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    PM Netanyahu on Canada's decision on Iran

    I would like to commend Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper for taking a step that showed leadership and daring and which sends a clear message to Iran and the entire world.
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    First Temple period water reservoir

    The extraordinary water reservoir, exposed in recent weeks, was treated with several layers of plaster, and probably dates to the First Temple period
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    Israeli Cycles Across U.S. For Cancer Research

    In a cancer fundraising effort called Bike for the Fight, Israeli athlete Tom Peled is cycling from Los Angeles to New York to raise money for the Israel Cancer Research Fund (ICRF),
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