Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    President Rivlin meets with outgoing US Ambassador Shapiro

    Although we have had some differences of opinion, this has been as friends, and the people of Israel appreciate this very much. We know that for eight years the President helped Israel carry the burden of security, which we have to carry all the time.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Jamaican PM Andrew Holness

    There is a natural affinity between us. We're both democracies. We each have our own challenges but we flourish under challenge. And we'll be able to provide a better future for our people if we cooperate, and this visit is a hallmark of cooperation.
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    Statement on designation of individuals and entities involved in the Syrian chemical weapons program

    Israel supports the designation of individuals and entities from the Assad regime involved in the Syrian chemical weapons program.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Norwegian FM Brende

    PM Netanyahu: We're all faced here with a great challenge against the forces of terrorism that not only seek to destroy Israel but seek of course to render any possibility of peace totally hopeless.
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    President Rivlin meets President Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone

    President Rivlin: Israeli companies have much they can contribute to Sierra Leone especially in the fields of water, communications, renewable energy, security, and more. This is important for the long term security and well-being for our peoples.
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    President Rivlin meets with Israeli ambassadors to Egypt and Jordan

    President Rivlin spoke with the diplomats about the strengthening ties and growing cooperation between Israel and its neighbors in the Middle East and Mediterranean.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Sierra Leone President Ernest Bai Koroma

    PM Netanyahu: We want to help build a brighter and better future for Sierra Leon to. This is something that you are leading and we're more than ready to help. Israel is coming back to Africa in a big way, and Africa is coming back to Israel.
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    President Rivlin meets with leaders of Georgia’s Jewish community and with the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament

    President Rivlin: We must not allow terror to weaken us, we must stand firm and united in safeguarding our security.
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    President and First Lady Rivlin attend State Dinner in Georgia

    When it comes to terror, we sadly know the pain and the heavy price we pay for our independence, values of democracy and freedom. I know you join me in sending my prayers to the families of those killed and injured in the terror attack in Jerusalem.
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    President Rivlin begins state visit to Georgia

    Today, once again, Jerusalem is a city where we mourn the victims of terror and hatred; young men and women. Terror will never win, but will only strengthen our faith and commitment to Jerusalem.
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    President Rivlin departs on State Visit to Georgia

    Commenting on today’s terror attack, President Rivlin stated: “We had not thought for a moment that terror would not once again rear its ugly head, nor will we be broken this time either, but will continue to stand tall, and fight against terrorism.”
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    PM Netanyahu visits the scene of Jerusalem terrorist attack

    This attack is part of the same pattern inspired by Islamic State, by ISIS. This is part of the same ongoing battle against this global scourge of the new terrorism. We can only fight it together, but we have to fight it, and we will.
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    PM Netanyahu comments on the decision by the American Congress

    I want to thank the US House of Representatives for the decision, which reflects the tremendous support Israel enjoys among the American people.
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    President Rivlin meets President of the French Senate Gérard Larcher

    The solution to the conflict requires two things; to build trust between the sides, and direct negotiations between the two sides. Without trust, no solution will work. Without negotiations, no solution can be reached.
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    President Rivlin addresses Israel’s ambassadors to Europe

    The strength of the State of Israel is drawn from its first days, and the combination of military and diplomatic strength, the integration of industry and technology, of human resources and the ability to build ties.
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