Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    Statement by MFA Spokesman following yesterday's terror attack in Stockholm

    ​We wish to convey our condolences to the families of the victims and wishes for a speedy recovery to those injured in yesterday's terror attack in the heart of Stockholm.
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    President Rivlin's comments on the US strike in Syria

    In acting as it has, the United States serves as an example to the entire free world, which must support any step required to bring the atrocities in Syria to an end.
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    Statement from Prime Minister's Office

    Israel fully supports President Trump's decision and hopes that this message of resolve in the face of the Assad regime's horrific actions will resonate not only in Damascus, but in Tehran, Pyongyang and elsewhere.
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    President Rivlin's comments following the terror attack at Ofra junction

    We will never allow terror to weaken us. Israeli society is strong, and we must stand firm in defense of our state and our land.
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    Yom Hazikaron ceremony 2017

    Annual ceremony in Remembrance of Israel's Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terror.
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    PM Netanyahu comments on Syrian chemical weapons attack

    There is no excuse whatsoever for the deliberate attacks on civilians and children, especially with cruel and outlawed chemical weapons. I call on the international community to fulfill its obligation to remove these horrible weapons from Syria.
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    President Rivlin's remarks following the chemical attack in Syria

    I call on the leaders of the international community to act without delay to stop these criminal, murderous acts taking place in Syria by the Assad regime and to work urgently to remove all stockpiles of chemical weapons from Syrian territory.
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    PM Netanyahu sends condolences for the St. Petersburg bombing

    PM Netanyahu: The citizens of Israel stand alongside the Russian people at this difficult time.
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    Israel reduces payments to UN due to obsessive discrimination

    The funds will be allocated to the expansion and extension of Israeli international development projects in developing countries that support Israel in international institutions.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the AIPAC Policy Conference

    For the security of both Israel and the United States, we must ensure that the forces of militant Islam are defeated. We won’t let them drag humanity away from the promise of a bright future to the misery of a dark past.
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    Israeli Settlements and International Law

    Attempts to present Jewish settlement in West Bank territory (ancient Judea and Samaria) as illegal and "colonial" in nature ignores the complexity of this issue, the history of the land, and the unique legal circumstances of this case.
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    PM Netanyahu strongly condemns murderous London terror attack

    "We must stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the citizens of Britain and the entire civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism."​
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    DFM Hotovely responds to the terror attack in London

    DFM Hotovely: Terror is terror wherever it occurs and we will fight it relentlessly.
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    PM Netanyahu and Chinese Vice Premier attend the third meeting of the China-Israel Joint Committee

    The two leaders discussed the importance of the tight bilateral cooperation in promoting technological innovation. Agreements were also signed between the two countries.
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    PM Netanyahu and PM Li Keqiang sign economic agreements

    The two Prime Ministers held a working meeting that was a breakthrough in bilateral relations.
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