Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly

    We will not tolerate any spillover or trickle whatsoever – neither mortars nor rockets, from any front. We will respond strongly to any attack on our territory or our citizens.
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    PM Netanyahu’s statement on IDF action in Syria

    We are not prepared to accept any spillover or trickle of fire from any front whatsoever. We will respond strongly to any firing at our territory.
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    Israel's letter to UN Security Council President

    Israel Amb. to the UN presented a letter to the Presisdent of the UNSC and to the UN SG, demanding a response to Hezbollah's military buildup in the guise of civilian activities in southern Lebanon, in clear violation of UNSC resolutions 1701 and 1559.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the Cabinet meeting

    Instead of condemning Friday’s terror attack, Fatah issued a statement in which it condemns the Border Police fighters who killed the terrorists, and praised the murderers as heroes. It seems that mendacity and brazen gall know no bounds.
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    Passing of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl

    PM Netanyahu: His admiration for Israel and Zionism found expression in my many meetings with him and in his resolute stand in favor of Israel, which he constantly presented in Europe and in international forums.
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    DFM calls UNSG Guterres to withdraw ESCWA report

    DFM Hotovely: As long as the industry of untruthful reports continues at the UN and elements with political interests prepare papers under the guise of professional reports, the UN cannot be an honest player and will continue to be severely criticized.
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    Holy See - Israel Joint Communique

    The Bilateral Permanent Working Commission between the Holy See and the State of Israel met today. The outcomes of this Plenary give hope for a rapid conclusion of ongoing negotiations.​
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    PM Netanyahu statement on US shooting attack

    We stand with the victims, their families and the American people on this difficult day.
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    Israel and New Zealand end diplomatic crisis

    In the wake of high-level discussions between Israel and New Zealand, Prime Minister Netanyahu has decided to restore diplomatic relations and return Israel’s ambassador to Wellington.
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    PM Netanyahu comments on Gaza electricity issue

    PM Netanyahu: Israel has no interest in escalation and any analysis to the contrary is mistaken. But we are interested in security and our policy on security is clear and unchanging.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at Cabinet meeting

    Hamas is using schoolchildren as human shields and this is the enemy that we have been fighting against for many years, an enemy that is committing a twofold war crime. On the one hand, it first attacks innocent civilians and then hides behind children.
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    U.S. Ambassador to the UN visits Yad Vashem

    Amb. Haley: We must always honor and remember the lives lost during one of the most horrible times in history. There is a lesson here. Leadership is not about power. Leadership is the acknowledgment and value of human dignity.
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    PM Netanyahu’s Ramadan greetings

    In the free society that is Israel, all citizens enjoy full individual rights, regardless of race, creed or gender. I hope that one day all our neighbors will emulate this respect for human life and diversity.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with US Ambassador to the UN

    PM Netanyahu: We're glad to see the fruits of your efforts, uncommon common sense. President Trump and you I think have changed the discourse, have drawn new standards. I think it makes a world of difference, both for Israel and the US.​
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    President Rivlin meets with US Amb to the UN

    We appreciate your strong stand on the world’s most important stage, in support of the security of the people and the State of Israel. With your support we see the beginning of a new era. Israel is no longer alone at the UN.
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