Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

    We will take a very firm stance against anyone who tries to attack us or attacks us from any area. In any event, we see Hamas responsible to any attack launched or organized from the Gaza Strip against us.
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    President Rivlin departs for Los Angeles to address Jewish Federation’s General Assembly

    The President's visit takes place against the backdrop of the recent strains in relations between Israel and Diaspora Jewry, and at a time of heightened concern about a rise in anti-Semitism around the world.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Moldavian PM Filip

    PM Netanyahu congratulated PM Filip on 25 years of diplomatic relations between Israel and Moldova and discussed further economic, environmental, and medical cooperation between both countries.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of today's Cabinet meeting

    Today it is clearer than ever that the future of the Jewish People is strongly bound to the future of the State of Israel. It is here that the fate and future of the Jewish People will be decided.
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    President Rivlin addresses the Spanish parliament

    President Rivlin addressed a special plenery of both houses of the Spanish parliment and emphasized the importance of Israeli-Spanish ties.
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    President Rivlin meets Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy Brey

    President Rivlin stated that Israel and the Western world could not allow a country like Iran that supports terror and makes calls at the UN to destroy Israel, to have nuclear capabilities.
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    President and First Lady Rivlin attend State Dinner on visit to Spain

    President Rivlin: “Spain for us is one country, and His Majesty the King is the symbol of that unity. All of the citizens of Spain are dear to us and we hope and pray that all conflicts will be solved by peaceful measures.”
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    President Rivlin opens visit to Spain with welcome ceremony at the Royal Palace

    ​President Reuven Rivlin and First Lady Nechama Rivlin were welcomed to​ Spain by King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain at an official ceremony at the Royal Palace in Madrid. ​​​
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    President Rivlin departs on State Visit to Spain

    President Rivlin: Israel and Spain are bound by a shared past. We must realize the unique potential inherent in our relationship; a relationship based on shared values and vision, along with ability and strength.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks on the resignation of Lebanese PM Hariri

    The resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri and his remarks are a wake-up call to the international community to take action against the Iranian aggression that is trying to turn Syria into a second Lebanon.
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    PM Netanyahu opens trading on the London Stock Exchange

    We are continuing to maintain security, all the time. We are also guarding our borders, our southern border and our northern border. We are also maintaining our admiration for our Druze brothers.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with British PM Theresa May

    PM Netanyahu: A hundred years after Balfour, the Palestinians should finally accept the Jewish national home and finally accept the Jewish state. And when they do, the road to peace will be infinitely closer. In my opinion, peace will be achievable.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at BGI airport prior to leaving for London

    During his visit to London, PM Netanyahu will attend the event marking 100 years since the Balfour Declaration, hold diplomatic and economic meetings, and meet with Jewish community leaders. ​
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    President Rivlin meets with Australian PM Turnbull

    During their meeting, President Rivlin and PM Turnbull discussed regional developments and the importance of cooperation between Israel and Australia in a number of fields.
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    PM Netanyahu condemns NYC terror attack

    PM Netanyahu's Statement to US Pres. Trump, NY Gov. Cuomo and NYC Mayor de Blasio on New York City Terror Attack.
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