Science, Technology & Development
  • Science, Technology & Development


    Israel is consistently recognized as a global innovation leader, housing research and development centers for the world’s largest hi-tech companies and priding itself on having the highest ratio of startups per capita in the world. This is perhaps not surprising, as Israel is a small country with few natural resources and has had to develop a creative approach in agriculture, water use, electricity and other fields since its creation to make the desert ​bloom. Education is likewise highly prized – Israel has one of the most educated populations on the planet, and is noted for excellent research institutes and universities like the Weitzman Institute, the Technion and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. 

    These features have made Israel a true startup nation, which boasts not only a vibrant economy but a leading position in terms of development and aid. Israel fosters strong ties with developing nations and offers them training, equipment and assistance in achieving sustainable economic development, eliminating hunger and extending health care at times of need. Israel conducts these efforts both in its bilateral relations and through its dynamic activity in the various science, technology and development-centered organizations based in Geneva (like WIPO, where Israel is an active player in shaping the global intellectual property arena; UNECE, CERN, ITU, WMO, IPCC and more).

    (last updated in September 2017)