Israel objects to Palestinian membership request in UNCTAD

UNCTAD: Israel objects to Palestinian membership

  •   Statement
    On 6 June 2018, Israeli Ambassador Aviva Raz Shechter delivered the following statement during the General Debate of UNCTAD's TDB, in regards to the Palestinian request of membership in UNCTAD.
    Mr. Chairman,
    With respect to the statement regarding the Palestinian request for membership in UNCTAD, Israel wishes to place on record that it regrets and objects to Palestinian attempts to circumvent the bilateral negotiations track with Israel by unilaterally seeking membership in UN bodies – outside, and in violation of, the agreed negotiations framework. 
    It further notes that Palestinian efforts to pursue membership in UNCTAD or any other UN body does not reflect or serve as evidence of the legal status of the Palestinian entity under international law or constitute recognition of any kind. 
    As the parties have repeatedly committed under existing bilateral agreements, the final status of the Palestinian entity is a matter that can only be resolved by bilateral negotiations – and it cannot and will not be determined by unilateral acts in UN halls.
     Thank you.