Israel signs the Arms Trade Treaty 18 Dec 2014

Israel signs the Arms Trade Treaty

    Israel supports the principles and goals of the treaty, and was an active partner in shaping it throughout the years of negotiation.
    (Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson)

    Israel Ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor signed the Arms Trade Treaty on behalf of the State of Israel in New York on Thurday, December 18, 2014. The treaty, which regulates international trade in conventional arms, was adopted by the UN General Assembly in June 2013.

    Israel supports the principles and goals of the treaty, and was an active partner in shaping it throughout the years of negotiation through an interministerial committee which included the Israel Foreign Ministry, the defense forces and the National Security Council.

    Israel's signature of the treaty is consistent with its national interests and its responsible policy in monitoring arms exports, combatting illegal arms sales, and preventing these weapons from reaching terrorist groups. It is important to point out that Israel's regulation of its own arms trade meets the standards set forth in the treaty.

    The treaty is expected to come into force on December 24.