ATT - Sixth Conference of State Parties

ATT - 6th Conference of State Parties

  •   The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)

    Mr. President,

    At the outset, please allow me to thank you, Ambassador Federico Villegas, and the ATT Secretariat for you vigorous efforts throughout the preparatory process and in particular for organizing the 6th Conference of States Parties (CSP6) to the ATT, during these challenging times. Our deep appreciation also goes to the hard work of the members of the working groups.

    Israel has long recognized the importance of controlling the export of arms, in order to prevent the illicit trade of arms. On a national level, Israel maintains robust legislation, regulations and policies aimed at effectively controlling the export of arms. On an international level, Israel actively and constructively participated throughout the negotiations of the Arms Trade Treaty and was pleased to become a Signatory State to this instrument.

    Mr. President,

    Israel is of a view that the Arms Trade Treaty is an appropriate and relevant forum to address the illicit trade in arms. In some parts of the Middle East, arms are deliberately transferred to terrorist organizations and terror sponsoring states. The consequences of such illicit trafficking of arms is, among others, the intentional and indiscriminate targeting of civilian population and civilian infrastructure. We believe that the prevention of diversion and proliferation of arms to unauthorized recipients, in particular to terrorists, is of paramount importance and must be accorded due attention within the scope of the ATT. We believe that the Arms Trade Treaty is an important milestone in the international community's commitment and effort to fight the unauthorized arms trade and eradicate illicit trafficking. Setting international norms and standards, while taking into consideration national security concerns, are of vital importance. The efficient implementation of these norms and standards enhance the collective security of all states, especially in the Middle East. Israel reaffirms its intention to continue to effectively apply its national export controls, which uphold these standards. Israel also continues to submit its annual report to the UN register of conventional arms.
    Mr. President,

    In accordance with the letter submitted by Israel to the depository on March 29th, 2018, regarding the purported Palestinian accession to the convention, membership in the convention, any presentation of credentials, as well as all official documents of the ATT and lists in those documents, do not imply the expression of any opinion regarding, and is without prejudice to, the legal status of any country or territory or of its authorities.

    Thank you very much.​​