2019 CCW Meeting of High Contracting Parties

2019 CCW Meeting of High Contracting Parties

  •   General Exchange of Views
    Israel attaches great value to the CCW and its achievements and recognizes its uniqueness as the only forum, which includes all of the most relevant actors. Consequently, the CCW's achievements regarding conventional weapons are those with the greatest practical effect on the ground.​

    Statement by Mrs. Michal Maayan, Minister - Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament

    Thank you, Mr. Chair.

    At the outset, please allow me to congratulate you, Ambassador Hashmi , upon the assumption of the Presidency of the annual meeting of the High Contracting Parties to the CCW and to express our delegation's full cooperation and support in the discharge of your duties.

    Mr. Chair,

    Israel would like to express its gratitude to Mr. Jivan Gjorgjinski of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for his excellent leadership of the GGE on LAWS. We found the deliberations fruitful and beneficial. The tangible progress that has been made over the past two years concerning the shared understanding of this issue, as well as the fundamental questions that remain unanswered, both indicate that the deliberation of this issue in the CCW's framework is far from being exhausted. This of course stems also from the fact that we are discussing future potential weapons. Accordingly, we believe there is a need to continue with the current discussion mandate leading to the 2021 review conference. Israel will elaborate further on the issue of LAWS under the dedicated agenda item.

    Mr. Chair,

    Weapons systems, such as MANPADS and IEDs, that fall in the wrong hands and are used unlawfully, pose a great threat to humanitarian interests and global security. The devastating effects of these weapons have been demonstrated in the past in various parts of the world. Every type of weapon, including these weapons, should only be allowed in the hands of responsible sovereign states, which comply with international norms and which have, inter alia, adequate stockpile management and security mechanisms.

    Another long-standing issue of the CCW is MOTAPM. Israel supports the discussions on this important issue, which will allow us to reach a better understanding of the challenges that lay before us.

    Mr. Chair,

    Israel attaches great value to the CCW and its achievements and recognizes its uniqueness as the only forum, which includes all of the most relevant actors. Consequently, the CCW's achievements regarding conventional weapons are those with the greatest practical effect on the ground.

    Its strength lies in its fundamental tenet and obligation to search for the appropriate balance between military and humanitarian considerations – a strength that is crucial to retain in all future efforts. Likewise, we should refrain from turning the CCW into a forum that discusses every issue of concern regarding armed conflict, exceeding its mandate and expertise. Israel highly appreciates the professional and non-political nature of the CCW's work and will continue to participate actively and constructively in this forum.

    Mr. Chair,

    Israel attaches great importance to the universalization of the CCW and encourages non-parties to join the Convention. In this regard, special attention should be accorded to regions which are currently under-represented, such as our own, the Middle East.

    I thank you Mr. Chair.​