Response to UNHCHR Pillay's statement on Bedouin regularizing bill

Response to UNHCHR Pillay on Bedouin bill

    It is strange that the communique demands that Bedouins be entitled to the same rights to property, housing and public services, when this is exactly the declared purpose of the bill.
    (Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)

    The statement published  on July 25th by UNHCHR Navi Pillay regarding the proposed "Law for regularizing Bedouin habitation in the Negev" is unacceptable. The text raises question, since it displays ignorance and lack of acquaintance with the subject matter. It clearly seems that whoever drafted the text had only partial knowledge, not based on any primary, official or reliable sources.

    It is strange that the communique demands that Bedouins be entitled to the same rights to property, housing and public services, when this is exactly the declared purpose of the bill.

    Moreover, the text presents as known facts affirmations which have been examined and invalidated by the Supreme Court. It also ventures into raw generalization of entire populations, whereas their characterization and their alleged grievances are of concern to only a small proportion of the Bedouin population in the Negev.