Shameful Day: Iran to Chair the HRC Social Forum

Shameful Day: Iran to Chair the HRC Social Forum

  •   Press Release
    ​Tomorrow marks yet another dark day at the Human Rights Council. Three weeks after backing and celebrating the butchering of 1,400 women, men and children in Israel and the kidnapping of 240 people by Hamas terrorists, Iran is set to chair the United Nations Human Rights Council Social Forum. This shameful decision further discredits the Human Rights Council and the United Nations as a whole.

    Israel will not tolerate the abuses of the Iranian regime and calls on Member States who oppose these atrocities to reject attempts by Iran to whitewash its crimes.

    The murderous ideology of the Iranian regime has been responsible for some of the worst human rights violations across the world in the past decades. In Iran, civil society is silenced, political opponents assassinated, women are subjugated, and LGBTI individuals are discriminated against. The use of the death penalty is rampant as a tool of repression against ethnic and religious minorities. Just last week, another young girl was murdered by the regime’s police for not wearing a hijab. Across the Middle East, Iranian-backed terrorist organizations are causing destruction and chaos, with Hezbollah taking Lebanon hostage and destroying Syria, the Houthis waging a war on Yemen, pro-Iranian militias destabilizing Iraq. In Gaza, Iran funds, supports and trains Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, providing them with rockets and weapons, resources, and intelligence. Iran leaves its deadly footprint around the world. The United Nations should not tolerate it.

    Ambassador Meirav Eilon Shahar: “Every second of the Human Rights Council chaired by the Iranian representative will be an affront to the tens of thousands of innocent Iranians, Israelis and others from across the world who are victims of the Iranian regime and its terrorist proxies. No Member State that respects human rights should sit in the Social Forum and legitimize the main sponsors of Hamas’ terrorists.”
