Statement - COI Public Hearings

Statement on the COI Public Hearings

    Over the upcoming five days, the UN Commission of Inquiry targeting Israel intends to simultaneously play judge, jury, and executioner by holding so-called public hearings in Geneva.
    The Commission of Inquiry once again disregards independence and impartially and, once again, chooses to focus on its anti-Israel agendas.
    The Commissioners pretend they care about international law and human rights but convene public hearings that any autocracy would be proud of. No public hearing can be taken seriously when it is chaired by people who are evidently biased. No public hearing can be taken seriously when it is evident it is based on predetermined conclusions. No public hearing can be taken seriously when it is convened last-minute, without transparency on modalities and participation.
    This Commission of Inquiry and the convening of these sham trials shame and undermine the Human Rights Council. The Human Rights Council should not be used to convene kangaroo courts.
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