Comment on the Special Rapporteur's Press Release on Durban DPA

Durban: Comment on the SR Press Release

    Continuing to defend the DDPA in its entirety, whilst ignoring its inherent issues and contradictions, means it will continue to be discredited in the eyes of those who truly fight against antisemitism.

    ​States who boycott Durban do so because it is a process which has been tainted by numerous episodes of antisemitism and anti-Israel hate. States do not choose to boycott it lightly, and do so because they have a genuine commitment to racial justice and equality for all, including the Jewish people.

    Trying to shame those who do not attend will not work. It is time to listen to concerns with regard to the DDPA, and clearly condemn the despicable episodes of antisemitism throughout the process. Continuing to defend the DDPA in its entirety, whilst ignoring its inherent issues and contradictions, means it will continue to be discredited in the eyes of those who truly fight against antisemitism.  

    A commitment to fighting racism is a global commitment, it should be done through a truly global process, not one that targets a marginalized and exploited group.
