Reaction to OHCHR's statement on the situation at Gaza-Israel fence

Reaction to OHCHR's statement on Gaza

    ​GENEVA, Friday 6 April 2018
    The Mission of Israel to the UN in Geneva rejects the statement made earlier today by a spokesperson on behalf of OHCHR regarding the riots in Gaza.

    We are disappointed by the fact that the statement seems to endorse the false Palestinian claims that the riots are nothing but peaceful civilian demonstrations.
    The reference to “a small minority of the protestors who may have used means that could be dangerous” is insufficient and misleading, as it fails to capture the level of violence used by these so-called “peaceful demonstrators”.

    We expect the OHCHR, if it truly intends to remain and impartial as it claims, to objectively reflect the reality on the ground, including the fact that for the past ten years the Gaza Strip has been under the control of a hostile terror organization- Hamas, which aims at the destruction of Israel, and acts in complete disregard of IHL and human rights law.

    The call to prevent further casualties should be directed not at Israel, bur at the Hamas terror organization which is the one instigating the violent riots along Gaza’s border with Israel. It is Hamas, not Israel, which is deliberately sending its civilians to the fence with a call to cross the border, and uses them as human shields for the staging of terror attacks.


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