Press Release: Tel Aviv Attack - Israel responds to OHCHR

Tel Aviv Attack: Israel responds to OHCHR

  •   OHCHR breaks a new record of cynicism and double standards
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    Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN in Geneva Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN in Geneva

    Tel Aviv Terror Attack: OHCHR breaks a new record of cynicism and double standards​

    Geneva (10 June 2016)

    In its message given during the press briefing earlier today​ on the vicious Palestinian terrorist attack in Tel Aviv on 8 June, the OHCHR breaks a new record of cynicism and double standards.

    The OHCHR is using the murder of innocent Israelis to attack Israel. Once again, instead of putting itself by the side of the Israeli victims, it settles for a forced, weak condemnation and rushes to defend the terrorists.

    Like any other country in the same situation, Israel is taking legitimate steps in order to defend its citizens from terrorists who are backed by the incitement and the glorification of death and martyrdom, inflated by the Palestinian leadership and society.
    The OHCHR should take another look at the current situation in the Middle East, so it may understand the absurdity of its own statement. 

    Israel will continue to do whatever is necessary to protect its citizens.

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