Israel urges Special Rapporteur Heyns to refrain from making hasty statements

Israel to SR: Refrain from making hasty statement

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    Israel urges Special Rapporteur Heyns to refrain from making hasty statements
    Geneva (1 April 2016)

    The Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN in Geneva finds troubling and peculiar the statement issued on 30 March 2016 by Mr. Christof Heyns – the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions – regarding the death of Palestinian terrorist Abdel al-Fatah al-Sharif.

    While Israeli authorities are still investigating the mentioned case, Mr. Heyns rushes to give unfounded conclusions, and pre-judges the actions of the involved IDF soldier based on a very limited amount of information publicly available. The Permanent Mission would like to recall that a Military Police investigation into this case is still ongoing.

    As the Special Rapporteur is well aware, the Israeli legal system acts in accordance to its obligations under international law.

    The Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN in Geneva urges the Special Rapporteur to respect the ongoing judiciary procedure, and calls upon him to refrain from making similar hasty statements until full clarification surrounding this event is made.”


    PDF Version of the statement