Press Release: OHCHR defines murderous terrorists as "alleged attackers”

OHCHR defines terrorists as “alleged attackers"

  •   Press Release: OHCHR defines murderous terrorists as "alleged attackers”
    Press Release: Israel rejects the use of the term “alleged attackers” by OHCHR spokeswoman. It is misleading and unacceptable.
    ​Geneva, 16 December 2105

    Since September 2015, 141 attacks have been carried out against Israelis. 91 stabbings, 34 shootings and 17 car ramming have been perpetrated by Palestinian terrorists. 22 Israelis have been killed, 243 injured, 23 of them seriously. Just this Monday, 14 people were wounded in a car ramming attack, including an 18-months old baby who was seriously injured.

    Israel rejects the use of the term “alleged attackers” by OHCHR spokeswoman. It is misleading and unacceptable. These so-called “alleged attackers” are real persons, their attacks are real, planned and carried out with murderous intent.

    Law enforcement forces over the world, and lately in France and the United States, have shot and killed perpetrators of similar attacks. It is their duty to prevent additional bloodshed.

    Likewise, Israeli forces do not use excessive force. They safeguard Israelis' rights to live in peace and security. They will continue to do so while respecting domestic and international law.



    List of attacks since September 2015