Priorities & Statements


    As part of the International community, Israel is committed to advancing peace, prosperity and development both at home and around the world. Israel is an active member of the United Nations, its specialized agencies and various international organizations, where it promotes issues such as entrepreneurship and innovation policies, gender equality, minority rights, and the increased use of sustainable technologies.

    Israel seeks to contribute to the global community in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which include eliminating poverty and hunger, improving health and education, combating climate change, and supporting sustainable economic development. 

    The Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations and International Organizations in Geneva maintains an active presence in dozens of organizations based in Geneva. For example, in the World Health Organization (WHO), Israel is a leader in the field of emergency medicine and humanitarian assistance​. In the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Israel is involved in shaping IP policies which resonate throughout the world. In the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Israel promotes issues ranging from transport safety to renewable energy to integration and promotion of older persons. 

    Read the statements delivered and find out more about Israel's priorities at the UN:
    (some pages are under construction)
