Ambassador Gilad Erdan

Ambassador Gilad Erdan

  •   Israel's Permanent Representative to the United Nations
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    Ambassador Gilad Erdan Ambassador Gilad Erdan
    Ambassador Gilad Erdan currently serves in the dual role of Israel’s Ambassador to the United States and the United Nations. He presented his credentials to the UN in August 2020 and became Ambassador to the US in January 2021.

    Prior to his appointment, Erdan served as a Member of Knesset from 2003 to 2020 and in several ministerial positions.  

    From 2015-2020, Erdan was Israel's Minister of Strategic Affairs, where he coordinated the government’s strategy against the Palestinian-led efforts to delegitimize and boycott the State of Israel. Under his leadership, the Ministry conducted and published research proving the anti-Semitic nature and terrorist connections of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel. These efforts resulted in numerous international leaders publically rejecting this campaign of hate.

    As Minister of Public Security from 2015-2020, Erdan ensured the safety and security of the citizens of Israel during the difficult period of "lone-wolf terrorist" attacks. His innovative approach included preempting attacks by preventing online radicalization and using advanced technologies to identify attackers before they execute their attacks. This included, inter alia, positioning advanced cameras and increasing police presence in sensitive areas, and fighting incitement online by pressuring social media companies to remove content on their sites that calls for violence.

    Erdan also established the Child Online Protection Bureau, a national authority that combines law enforcement with education and treatment to ensure the safety of minors online. The Bureau consists of a professional staff and a designated police unit that, together, operate the 105 hotline. The first of its kind in the world, the hotline accepts queries and reports from the public to successfully stop bullying and shaming, prevent online violence and provide professional help and advice.

    From 2013-2014, Erdan served as Minister of Communications, where he increased competition in all sectors of the Industry. For example, he reformed the Israel Broadcasting Authority, the nation’s publicly-funded television and radio networks. As a result of his modernization efforts, the Authority now creates leading digital and other content, such as the critically acclaimed “Tehran” TV series.

    In 2009, Erdan was appointed Minister of Environmental Protection. He was the first to bring the issue of climate change to the center of the Israeli public agenda. He led a precedent-setting government decision on Israel's commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and prepared a strategy for "green growth" in Israel, which leverages the environment as an engine for economic growth. He oversaw Israel's preparations for meeting the environmental commitments for joining the OECD and led the Israeli delegation to the Rio+20 summit on sustainable development and the Copenhagen Climate Conference.

    Erdan received the "Green Globe" award in 2008 and 2011 for his outstanding work on environmental protection, and in 2009, he was named "man of the decade" by “Green Light”, a prominent road safety NGO in Israel, for his lasting efforts to reduce traffic accidents and fatalities. He has also received honors of excellence for his legislatorial work.

    Prior to serving in the Knesset, Erdan served as an adviser to the Prime Minister of Israel, Director of the Department of Public Petitions in the Prime Minister's Office, Parliamentary Assistant to MK Ariel Sharon z'"l, and CEO of the Economic Company of the Israel Builders Association.

    Erdan graduated from Bar-Ilan University Faculty of Law and clerked at one of Israel's leading commercial law firms in Tel Aviv. He was admitted to the Israel Bar Association in 1999 and holds a Master’s degree in Political Science from Tel Aviv University.

    A native of the Southern port city of Ashkelon, Erdan grew up in an Orthodox Jewish home. He is married and the father of four children.​​