President Rivlin meets Punjab Chief Minister Singh 23 Oct 2018

President Rivlin meets Chief Minister Amarinder Singh of Punjab

    President Rivlin: “When I visited you in 2016, it gave me great satisfaction to see how our technology and advice have been able to help bring prosperity and raise standards of living in India."
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    President Rivlin with Chief Minister of Punjab Araminder Singh President Rivlin with Chief Minister of Punjab Araminder Singh Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    ​(Communicated by the Presidnt's Spokeperson) 

    President Reuven (Ruvi) Rivlin today, (Tuesday, 23 October) met Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh of Punjab at the President’s Residence. 
     President Rivlin talked about how Israel and India cooperate in matters of water management, saying, “When I visited you in 2016, it gave me great satisfaction to see how our technology and advice have been able to help bring prosperity and raise standards of living in India. It is amazing to see what we are able to do when we understand and work with nature.”
    Chief Minister Singh thanked the president for his warm and said, “Punjab is a small state. We have 2% of India’s population, but we produce 40% of India’s food. We are here to talk about our water situation, because our rivers are drying up and the glaciers are melting. In twenty years we will be a desert. We need to start thinking now about how to overcome these problems.”