President Rivlin meets President of Cyrus the House of Representatives 20 Nov 2018

President Rivlin meets President of the House of Representatives of Cyprus

    President Rivlin: We are close neighbours not only by distance but also in our hearts. Our relations with Cyprus are important on the bilateral and the trilateral levels.
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    President Rivlin with President of the House of Representatives of Cyprus Demetris Syllouris President Rivlin with President of the House of Representatives of Cyprus Demetris Syllouris Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    President Reuven (Ruvi) Rivlin today (Tuesday 20 November 2018) met the President of the House of Representatives of Cyprus, Demetris Syllouris, who is visiting Israel for the first time in this position and who took part in the opening of the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s Twelve Plus Geopolitical Group and East Asia parliaments seminar at the Knesset in Jerusalem.
    President Rivlin welcomed Mr Syllouris, thanked him for his friendship and said “we are close neighbours not only by distance but also in our hearts. Our relations with Cyprus are important on the bilateral and the trilateral levels. We will never forget the warm reception the Cypriot people gave the Holocaust survivors and displaced persons after the Second World War. As a former Speaker of the Knesset, I am delighted that the Inter-Parliamentary Union met in Jerusalem, particularly in light of some of the criticism Israel has faced from the organization. Our elected officials, and particularly the speakers of our parliaments, play a key role in defending democracy which is so dear to us.”
    The President of the House of Representatives of Cyprus thanked the president for his words and noted the cooperation between the two countries: “Thank you, Mr President for your warm welcome. Now is the time to turn our bilateral and trilateral discussions into a regional dialogue.” The president welcomed the initiative and said he saw value in a dialogue of this kind.
    Mr Syllouris invited President Rivlin to visit Cyprus as soon as his schedule will allow.