Philippine President Duterte to visit Israel 31 August 2018

Philippine President Duterte to visit Israel

    We assign great importance to this visit, which symbolizes the strong, warm ties between our ‎two peoples as well as the enormous potential for developing and strengthening the relations. ‎
    ​(Communicated by MFA Spokesperson)‎

    Israel welcomes the visit in Jerusalem of the President of the Republic of the Philippines. This is ‎the first visit of a Philippine president in Israel. After his visit in Israel, the president will visit ‎Jordan.‎

    President  Rodrigo Duterte will visit Israel between 2-5 September. He will meet with Israel's ‎president, prime minister and foreign minister, and visit Yad Vashem – the World Holocaust ‎Remembrance Center – and tour the Old City of Jerusalem.  President Duterte will also meet ‎with Israel's large Filipino community and visit the "Open Doors" monument in Rishon Letzion, ‎which commemorates the Philippines' rescue of Jews during World War II.‎

    The Philippine president will be accompanied by a large delegation of ministers, including the ministers of foreign affairs, national defense, trade and industry, agriculture, ‎internal security, science and technology, labor and employment, tourism and transportation. ‎Senior senators will also be part of the delegation.‎

    President Duterte timed his visit in order to mark several important events:‎

    • The 80-year anniversary of the Philippines opening its gates and providing sanctuary to ‎Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazis;‎
    • The 70-year anniversary of the Philippines' support of UN Resolution 181 – the ‎Partition Plan – on 29 November 1947. The Philippines was the only state in Southeast ‎Asia to vote in favor of the resolution.
    • The 60-year anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel ‎and the Philippines.‎

    We assign great importance to this visit, which symbolizes the strong, warm ties between our ‎two peoples as well as the enormous potential for developing and strengthening the relations. ‎Cooperation between the two countries is thriving. In diplomacy, it is expressed in public ‎statements by the leadership in Manila as well as in issues important to Israel in the ‎international arena. Other areas of robust cooperation are security and combating terrorism, ‎tourism, investments, energy, infrastructures, and more.‎

    More than 150 Philippine businesspeople will be arriving with President Duterte. During the ‎visit, the Philippine president will lead a business seminar for heads of large companies from ‎both Israel and the Philippines. Israeli and Philippine companies are expected to sign a series ‎of agreements, in the field of energy and others.‎

    One of the important subjects to be discussed is the opening of a direct flight route between ‎Manila and Ben Gurion Airport. Direct flights will bring a rise in the number of Philippine ‎tourists coming to Israel, particularly Philippine Christians wanting to make pilgrimages to the ‎Holy Land. They will also facilitate investments and business activities.‎

    Among the agreements and MOUs to be discussed and signed during the visit is a ground-‎breaking agreement to regulate the employment of thousands of Filipino caregivers, who are ‎so valued in Israel. The agreement will protect the workers' rights, ensure equal and fair ‎treatment of them, and cancel all the fees that until now they have been forced to pay to ‎intermediate agents. The agreement will benefit Israel's elderly population and others in need ‎of nursing services and will have positive consequences for similar agreements to be signed ‎with other countries in the future.‎

    In addition, agreements are waiting to be signed in the realms of science and technology, ‎promotion of investments, agreements between chambers of commerce, and the ‎environment.‎

    Hotels in Israel have a shortage of workers, and the Israeli government recently decided to ‎promote agreements in this area. During the visit, the parties will work on an agreement to ‎bring Filipinos to Israel to work in the hotel industry.‎

    The unique story of the Philippines' opening its gates to Jewish refugees from the Holocaust ‎will be highlighted during the visits of the president and his entourage at Yad Vashem and at ‎the Open Doors monument in  Rishon Letzion. Joining the visit will be two of the Jewish ‎survivors who found refuge in the Philippines and now live in Israel.‎