PMO on the IAEA Statement 2 October 2018

PM Netanyahu's Office on the IAEA Statement

    The IAEA does not relate to the specific site in Turquzabad. There is no reason to wait. The IAEA must inspect the site and immediately dispatch monitors with Geiger counters and the Prime Minister's words will be seen as verifiably true.
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office, today (Tuesday, 2 October 2018):
    "The IAEA relates to inspections that it has carried out in various places in Iran but it does not relate to the specific site in Turquzabad which Prime Minister Netanyahu referred to in his UN speech. There is no reason to wait. The IAEA must inspect the site and immediately dispatch monitors with Geiger counters and the Prime Minister's words will be seen as verifiably true."