PM Netanyahu tours US Navy destroyer USS Ross in Ashdod Port 11 October 2018

PM Netanyahu tours US Navy destroyer USS Ross in Ashdod Port

    America projects the power of freedom to every part of the globe. It is American power that protects American values that are universal values that we in Israel share; the US navy’s role in this is enormous.
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    PM Netanyahu at the ceremony marking 243 years of the US Navy PM Netanyahu at the ceremony marking 243 years of the US Navy Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    ​ (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara, along with US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman and his wife Tammy, today (Thursday, 11 October 2018), at Ashdod Port, toured the American guided-missile destroyer USS Ross and attended a ceremony marking 243 years of the US Navy. The USS Ross is the first American destroyer in 19 years to anchor in Ashdod.
    Following is an excerpt of Prime Minister Netanyahu's remarks at the ceremony:
    "It’s a moving moment for me to be on the USS Ross with Ambassador David Friedman and his wife Tammy, with General Martin, with Minister Katz, with the Commander of our Navy, Admiral Sharvit, with my wife Sara.
    When I was elected for the first time 22 years ago, shortly afterwards was a visit of a US aircraft carrier and it was a memorable visit to see this great manifestation of American power.
    It’s been a while, but that tradition has been refreshed recently, and this is the first visit, as Commander Coles said, the first visit in Ashdod of an American warship in 19 years.
    I think it comes at a propitious time. It comes at a time when our values are tested, our interests are challenged, and there’s nothing like the American-Israeli alliance which is manifested in so many ways, but most especially in the sharing of military intelligence and in military cooperation against terror, against the aggressive force of Iran in this region.
    We are committed to preventing Iran from expanding its empire. We want them to go back to Iran, get out of Syria, get out of Yemen, get out of Iraq and stop building war and misery, creating misery everywhere they go.
    This is a commitment that President Trump has expressed many times and he expressed his support for Israel’s right to defend itself against Iran’s aggression, against Israel in Syria. He said, we back you 100 percent. And I believe that in a way, this visit expresses that commitment so clearly, and that partnership so well.
    Since America became the preeminent force in the world, it’s projected American power, which means the power of freedom, to every part of the globe. We know what the world was like in the first half of the American century, of the 20th century, when America was not the preeminent power in the world, and we experienced the greatest tragedies in history, but from the second part of the 20th century till today, it is American power that protects American values that are universal values that we in Israel share. And the preeminent value is that of liberty. The US navy’s role in this is enormous.
    I want to thank you on behalf of free peoples everywhere, but especially the free people of the democracy called Israel, your best ally in the world. Thank you and welcome to Ashdod."
    US Ambassador Friedman:
    "Thank you so much.
    Mr. Prime Minister,
    Madam Prime Minister, Sara Netanyahu,
    Commanding Officer, David Coles,
    Vice Admiral Sharvit,
    Brigadier General Corey Martin—I’m sure you’re here somewhere
    Member of Knesset, Minister Yisrael Katz,
    Mayor of Ashdod, Yehiel Lasri,
    Distinguished Guests,
    and to all the officers and sailors serving aboard the USS Ross,
    It is my honor to welcome all of you to Israel and in particular to welcome you to the Port of Ashdod, where for the first time in 19 years, an American warship has come to visit.
    I’m certain that the crew has enjoyed the warm hospitality of the city of Ashdod as well as the beauty and the history of the various sites around Israel as Commander Coles so beautifully and movingly described.
    And I’m so grateful to Commander Coles and his crew who worked so hard to get the ship ready for this fantastic reception.
    Thank you so much for your hospitality. It’s greatly appreciated.
    We gather here tonight on this beautiful ship, on this beautiful night, to celebrate the 243rd birthday of the United States navy.
    From a modest beginning of just two gun boats in 1775, today the navy has some 286 sophisticated ships, more than 3,700 aircraft and more than 600,000 active duty, reserve and civilian personnel. But even more impressive than its awesome size and power, the navy operates every day throughout the world in calm seas and in rough waters protecting American citizens, American allies and American values.
    We are all eternally grateful for your service, as well as the service of your families who wait for your safe return, and we pray that God will grant all of you a safe return. We pray for all of you every day.
    I hope the symbolism of this moment is not lost upon anyone. Israel and the United States have enjoyed a close and mutually beneficial relationship for decades. The presence of the USS Ross in Ashdod and her patrols throughout the Mediterranean Sea represent the commitment of the United States to provide credible defensive assistance to Israel against all external threats.
    This vessel is a testament to American resolve to confront and defeat violent extremist organizations and nations wherever they operate. There is no more fitting place for the USS Ross to seek safe harbor than the State of Israel which stands on the front lines of this effort as a critical partner with the United States.
    I am humbled to address you this evening, and again I want to thank all of you for being here to celebrate and to honor our United States navy.
    May God bless all of those who serve on this ship. May God protect all of those who serve on this ship. May God bless the United States navy. May God bless the State of Israel and may God bless the United State of America.
    Thank you so much."