PM Netanyahu's remarks prior to leaving for the UNGA in New York 25 September 2018

PM Netanyahu's remarks prior to leaving for the UNGA in New York

    We give full backing to the IDF in its actions to defend the state. We will continue to take action to prevent the establishment of an Iranian military presence in Syria and will continue the security coordination between the IDF and the Russian military.
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    PM Netanyahu speaking with the media prior to departure for the UN General Assembly PM Netanyahu speaking with the media prior to departure for the UN General Assembly Copyright: GPO/Avi Ohayon
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Tuesday, 25 September 2018), at Ben-Gurion International Airport, made the following remarks prior to leaving for the UN General Assembly in New York:
    "In the past three years Israel has been very successful in preventing both the establishment of an Iranian military presence in Syria and the attempts to transfer lethal weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon. This is not to say that there haven't been exceptions but all in all there has been very great success. We did this with maximum and successful security coordination with the Russian military.
    Since the tragic events in the skies over Syria I have spoken twice with President Putin. I expressed to him our deep regret over the loss of the crew of the Russian plane that was brought down by irresponsible Syrian anti-aircraft fire.
    This morning I convened the Security Cabinet which received a full update on the recent events. The Security Cabinet ministers also share in the deep sorrow of the Russian families and the Russian people.
    We give full backing to the IDF in its actions to defend the state. We will continue to take action to prevent the establishment of an Iranian military presence in Syria and we will continue the security coordination between the IDF and the Russian military.
    To this end, I agreed with President Putin that IDF and Russian military working teams would meet soon. We will do what is necessary to defend the security of Israel."