PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting 21 October 2018

PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting

    Khan al-Ahmar will be evacuated, with or without agreement. We will give a last chance for evacuation by agreement but in any case Khan al-Ahmar will be evacuated.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting (archive) Israel Cabinet meeting (archive) Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening (Sunday, 21 October 2018), at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting, made the following remarks:
    "Khan al-Ahmar will be evacuated, with or without agreement. It will not take weeks; it will be much shorter. We will make several vital preparatory moves in the international arena. We will give a last chance for evacuation by agreement but in any case Khan al-Ahmar will be evacuated. I am not talking about a cosmetic evacuation but a real evacuation.
    Neither do I need fictitious ultimatums because we are all united around one goal – to evacuate this illegal construction. There is no argument about this. A 'fake' argument is being created. Khan al-Ahmar will be evacuated and very soon.
    Today I heard the self-righteous and pretentious remarks by Tzipi Livni and Shelly Yachimovich. They said that there is no incitement from the Left. There are no calls for murder, and no hints to murder. I should like to remind them about the artistic presentation at Bezalel with a noose around my neck, the guillotine in the square at the left-wing demonstrations against me, and the response to the post by Rabin's grand-daughter who spoke today, who wrote, I quote: 'Perhaps with the murder of Netanyahu there will be a day off.' Incitement from every quarter must be condemned, and without hypocrisy."