PM Netanyahu meets with UN Secy.-Gen. Antonio Guterres 28 September 2018

PM Netanyahu meets with UN Secy.-Gen. Antonio Guterres

    PM Netanyahu raised the issue of Israel's captives and MIAs and said that the UN must do more to elicit additional international community pressure on Hamas to release them.
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    PM Netanyahu with UN Secy.-Gen. Antonio Guterres PM Netanyahu with UN Secy.-Gen. Antonio Guterres Copyright: GPO/Avi Ohayon
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, last night (Eastern Daylight Time), at the UN Building in New York City, met with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and asked him to request that IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano check the information and inspect the new sites that the Prime Minister revealed in his address to the UN General Assembly.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu raised the issue of Israel's captives and MIAs and said that the UN must do more to elicit additional international community pressure on Hamas to release them. The Prime Minister noted that the UN must act on the issue given the fact that it was the UN that mediated the ceasefire in the framework of which Hadar Goldin was abducted.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu underscored the importance of continued operations by UNIFIL and UNDOF as part of the full implementation of their respective mandates.