PM Netanyahu meets with Chancellor Merkel 3 October 2018

PM Netanyahu meets with German Chancellor Angela Merkel

    PM Netanyahu and Chancellor Merkel held a meeting with their entourages as part of a working dinner at the Prime Minister’s Residence, and will tomorrow hold the seventh G2G Chancellor Merkel and German government ministers.
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    PM Netanyahu with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the Prime Minister's Residence PM Netanyahu with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the Prime Minister's Residence Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara, this evening (Wednesday, 3 October 2018), at the Prime Minister's Residence in Jerusalem, welcomed German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who signed he guestbook.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu and German Chancellor Merkel held a meeting with their entourages as part of a working dinner at the Residence.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu and government ministers will, tomorrow (Thursday, 4 October 2018), hold an inter-governmental (G2G) meeting Prime Minister Netanyahu and government ministers will, tomorrow (Thursday, 4 October 2018), hold an inter-governmental (G2G) meeting with German Chancellor Merkel and German government ministers. This will be the seventh such meeting in the last decade.
    This will be the seventh such meeting in the last decade.
    The inter-governmental consultations will focus – inter alia – on security, scientific, economic, cultural and cyber cooperation. There will also be a series of discussions and the signing of MOUs the goal of which is to strengthen bilateral relations.
    The following will be signed:
    * An MOU between the Social Equality Ministry and the German Commission for Culture and Media on loaning the Gurlitt collection to the Israel Museum in 2019. The MOU will focus on advancing the procedures necessary for displaying the collection in Israel.
    * A declaration of intent between the Ministry of Economy and Industry and the German Ministry of Education and Research on European and bilateral cooperation on research and development, and innovation: Exchanges of information on technology and advancing joint projects mainly in artificial intelligence, cyber defense and nanotechnology.
    * A declaration of intent between the Science and Technology Ministry and the German Ministry of Education and Research on scientific cooperation in electrochemistry, oceanographic research, cancer research and water technologies by encouraging cooperation between Israeli and German scientists.
    * A declaration of intent between the Finance Ministry and its German counterpart on establishing an economic dialogue: The ministries will exchange information and hold consultations on the issues of economic analyses and financial system technologies.
    Since the 15 February 2016 inter-governmental (G2G) consultations in Jerusalem there has been significant progress in various fields including security, trade, culture and community affairs.
    Chancellor Merkel will be accompanied by Federal Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz; Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs Heiko Maas; Federal Minister of the Interior, Building and Community Horst Seehofer; Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Peter Altmaier; Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection Katarina Barley; Federal Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Hubertus Heil; Federal Minister of food and Agriculture Julia Klockner; Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth Franziska Giffey; Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure Andreas Scheuer; Parliamentary State Secretary at the Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter; Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Education and Research Thomas Rachel; Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Gerd Muller; Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media Monika Grutters and Anti-Semitism Commission Felix Klein.