PM Netanyahu departs for Davos 23 January 2018

PM Netanyahu departs for Davos

    With or without an agreement, our policy is to prevent the terrorist regime in Iran from arming itself with nuclear weapons, which would endanger us, the Middle East and the entire world.
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    PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara departing for Davos PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara departing for Davos Copyright: GPO/Amos Ben-Gershom
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Tuesday, 23 January 2018), made the following remarks upon leaving for the World Economic Forum in Davos:
    "It was a great honor to host Vice President Mike Pence in Israel. He gave exceptional expression to the powerful relationship between Israel and the United States, and we'll always remember his magnificent speech in the Knesset.
    I am now leaving for Davos, the most important economic forum in the world. There I will advance the standing of Israel which has already taken shape as a global technological power. This found expression in my visit to India last week. It will also take expression in my meetings with heads of state and heads of some of the largest companies in the world.
    This will help us expand our diplomatic horizon, and our security and economic links, for the benefit of the economy, citizens and security of Israel.
    Among the leaders I will meet there are French President Emanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. I will tell them that in the coming weeks they will have a last opportunity to try and introduce real – not cosmetic – changes in the dangerous nuclear agreement with Iran. In any case, with or without an agreement, our policy is to prevent the terrorist regime in Iran from arming itself with nuclear weapons, which would endanger us, the Middle East and the entire world."