PM Netanyahu comments on the passing of Minister David Azoulay 30 Oct 2018

PM Netanyahu comments on the passing of Minister David Azoulay

    PM Netanyahu: "David was an outstanding and industrious minister who brightened everyone's face; he loved peace and pursued peace. I and the entire government will miss him."
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    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (archive) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (archive) Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    ​Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Tuesday, 30 October 2018), commented on the passing of Minister David Azoulay:
    "Today the Government of Israel mourns the passing of our dear friend, Minister David Azoulay. For a lengthy period we prayed for David's recovery as he battled a difficult disease. To our sorrow, his fight for life ended a few hours ago. For over two decades, David served as an MK and initiated many laws the purpose of which was to benefit the citizens of the state. He was an outstanding and industrious minister who brightened everyone's face; he loved peace and pursued peace. I and the entire government will miss him. We send deep condolences to his wonderful family, including his son Yinon who is following his path as an MK. We will all miss David very much. May his memory be blessed."​