PM Netanyahu comments on Rouhani's remarks 24 November 2018

PM Netanyahu comments on Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's remarks

    Rouhani's slander, which calls for the destruction of Israel, proves yet again why the nations of the world need to join in the sanctions against the Iranian terrorist regime which threatens them.
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    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (archive) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (archive) Copyright: GPO/Amos Ben Gershom
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser) 
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening (Saturday, 24 November 2018), commented on Rouhani's remarks: 
    "Israel knows very well how to defend itself from the murderous Iranian regime. Rouhani's slander, which calls for the destruction of Israel, proves yet again why the nations of the world need to join in the sanctions against the Iranian terrorist regime which threatens them."