PM Netanyahu and Indian PM Modi attend India-Israel Business Summit 15 January 2018

PM Netanyahu and Indian PM Modi attend India-Israel Business Summit

    PM Netanyahu: The future is now. We are seizing the future. If we seize it together we'll go a lot faster and there's a natural affinity and sympathy and enthusiasm, creativity and ingenuity on this side of the table and this side of the table.
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    PM Netanyahu addressing the India-Israel Business Summit PM Netanyahu addressing the India-Israel Business Summit Copyright: GPO/Avi Ohayon
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, today (Monday, 15 January 2018), attended a forum of managing directors of major Israeli and Indian companies. They also attended an economic event, along with hundreds of Israeli and Indian business people, at which the prime ministers launched a $40 million Israeli-Indian development fund and called on companies to submit their applications.
    The joint industrial research and development and technological innovation fund was established pursuant to an [Israeli] government decision that was made prior to Indian Prime Minister Modi's recent visit to Israel. The fund will leverage both countries' opportunities for joint projects the products of which will be marketed both locally and globally.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu has been joined by the largest business delegation that has ever accompanied a Prime Minister of Israel on an official visit. The goals of the delegation are to enhance and strengthen economic ties and also create joint business opportunities between Israeli and Indian businesspeople.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu, at the managing directors' forum:
    "The future is now. We are seizing the future. If we seize it together we'll go a lot faster and there's a natural affinity and sympathy and enthusiasm, creativity and ingenuity on this side of the table and this side of the table. I want to thank you Prime Minister Modi for your leadership because you are making a difference and you are making the difference inside India and making a difference outside India in our relationship."
    Prime Minister Netanyahu, at the economic event:
    "I believe in India deeply. I believe in India because I know your heritage, your culture, your ingenuity, your creativity, your humanity, your passion, which is exemplified by Prime Minister Modi to change the world for the better. You have brilliant people in India. We just sat opposite them on the table. Maybe even more brilliant than political leaders. Who knows? It's possible. We have brilliant people in Israel. And what we can do together is shape the future.
    I always say to Prime Minister Modi when I have a chance, I say you guys do the work, we're the guys who are supposed not to interfere with you. And we do our best. We are your partners, and I came here to say today, Prime Minister Modi, thank you for believing in Israel the way we believe in India."
    See also: